Reconnecting to the Flow

Ace of Cups

Ok, ok, I’ve gone a bit mad today with a five card reading. It began with what I call a flip-out. A random card that springs from the deck during shuffling. These ‘flip-outs’ seem to have a life of their own and the five of wands said, ‘Look at me.’

Yesterday was full of frustrating phone calls and missed messages and the five of wands seems to reflect those difficulties with all the annoying angst they brought. I certainly felt irritated as my energies were scattered. All that senseless waste of time, so it felt. When I look at this card I chuckle as the two central characters seem to be struggling with a giant divining rod, looking for that elusive energy I guess, although it’s pointing in the right direction. Onward and upward.

Today ironed out some of those communication niggles. Plus I managed to get out of the house to a physio session. But my true triumph (six of wands) came in a WordPress dream. A realisation floated into my sleep about the layout of my blog which is hopefully evident. What a steep learning curve with help from techie friends. Thank you. So I’m riding high, holding the blogging reins.

Finding the gratitudes within challenging situations has been tricky of late. Maybe when a day gets stuck the question should be, ‘Where do I truly want to put my energies?’ Then comes along eight of cups. ‘What can I let go of?’ Basically let go of mithering about the small things. It amazes how these ‘small things’ hang on, so walk away. Even when it’s not quite clear how it will turn out. See the eclipse? Well, we all know what that looks like. That dim light certainly put the birds to bed, didn’t it? Eclipsamania was thought to cause emotional turmoil. Perhaps yesterday was a residue of that wonderous sight. As I type this, they’re playing ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart,’ on TV. There’s that synchonicity. I see meaning in it all.

Whatever happens Justice says no matter how much I think life is unfair it will all balance out in the end if I manage to keep a level head and self regulate those feelings. Cut to the chase and face the truth.  Just stop worrying.

Finally it all begins to flow again. I love the potential of the ace of cups. I finally got through for that phone call. Then my best friend called me for a chat. A kind workman fixed a broken lock and the physio class got some of my inner energy circulating.

What’s the lesson? Not to keep repeating that old Devil pattern ~ clinging to outcomes and expectations of how we think life should be. Just let it flow.







Blog by Arcaya

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