Ancient Chain

Queen of Cups

Subluxation – there’s a word. What does it mean? Partial dislocation of a joint. My naughty thumbs keep popping out of their sockets. The latest in a line of problem joints that like freeing themselves from stability.  Pushing them back in place makes me squeak. Crunch! Eek! This is a main issue for EDS – hypermobility type 3. Imagine this. Scaffolding usually bolted firmly together held with elastic bands instead? Wobble, twang. That’s the skeleton of an EDS person. So even standing up feels unstable and exhausting as muscles work hard to keep everything from falling apart.

Tutting at my thumbs in disgust seems unfair. Remembering Louise L. Hay’s book ‘Heal Your Life’ made me wonder what my body is trying to express. I’m not an expert in the least on her ideas.  But it got me thinking. If our bodies are affected by our thoughts and feelings and we can heal ourselves by making changes, what does it mean when it’s genetic? What could be the root of this strange, stretchy disorder? Can I impact on it with changed thoughts?

This is not about the symptoms of EDS, I’m talking about the inheritable DNA that passes conditions down family trees. We all have this chain in some form or another.

There’s cards that come to mind so I’m going to see if they appear in my reading. So let me shuffle on this rather big question. I’m choosing randomly from a fanned deck.

Question: What does my inherited DNA want me to clear from the genetic chain? What is it saying to me that I’m willing to hear? Once dealt, I admit I’m surprised by the cards. I expected ten of pentacles (family line) and The Devil (patterns.) Let’s see what they say.

The Star ~ Deep inside we’re all from stardust. This DNA goes back into the celestial past. It connects me to my ancestors. I’ve had a Star ‘aha’ realisation. EDS has been here since the beginning of my ancient family chain. Have I become dislocated from my past? Poor cavemen, how did they manage? Probably died. Suddenly I’m in awe of this link. In my mind’s eye there’s a kind of time tunnel stretching (pardon the pun) back to our heavenly beginnings. The spirit and the physical are one even if it is flawed.

Page of Cups ~ Intuition with a touch of psychic is very strong in my family. Perhaps it is tied in with EDS flexibility. In human beginnings we were of the water, amphibians forced onto land, born from liquid. So it stands to reason that our very being rises from the deep pools of the subconscious realm. Perhaps the fish is confirming awareness of the creative gifts that arrived in DNA.

Three of Cups ~ Celebrate this connection. Cheers to my forebears (I think.) I am seeing, knowing and sharing the harvest of my experience.

Queen of Pentacles ~ Hello again:) I have to chuckle. On the Thoth card she sits on a pineapple symbolising the pledge to holistic health. I have just discovered that pineapple juice is tolerated well by EDS gastric problems. Her main repeated message to me is, once more, life balance. Onto the last card.

Queen of Cups ~ By asking this question I have made a connection with something quite profound. A place of knowing and feeling rather than just thinking it. My ascendants live in me and I share something very personal with them. Deep under the surface lies the heart of the matter. Rather than analysing, tap into the gift of insight or sensitivity that could have arisen from having this condition. Maybe a flexibility of mind goes with the territory. By blogging my feelings I am creating a new way of expressing my truth.

I need a cup of tea now. Reflect on these revelations whilst recouping and balancing those inner cosmic energies. Well I did say it was a big question.







Blog by Arcaya

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